How To Raise The Boys : Teach Them To #ShareTheLoad

I often keep hearing a lot about how to raise our girls. How to teach them to be safe, to stand up for what they want, to empower them and let them achieve more.
But I rarely hear anyone talking about how to raise boys. I worry about how our sons will treat girls.
So, here's what I teach my son and show him through example, every single day.
I teach him that household work is not just a woman's job. Cooking, laundry, washing utensils, cleaning and much more is something which he needs to learn. It's ok if he is not perfect at any of them but atleast he can make efforts to help completing these daily routine work.

There can be days in life when he might have to living on his own, do his laundry and cook if he feels hungry at night. He might want to impress his partner with a meal cooked by his own hands.

These days schools are also including these activities in curriculum so that such habits can be developed right from the childhood but the basic education needs to start at home.
Are you teaching your sons what you’re teaching your daughters? Teach your sons to #ShareTheLoad.
Ariel believes in sharing the load and help in removal of tough stains in just one wash because with Ariel #ToughIsEasy.

Ariel claims to be the expert when it comes to stain removal. So, for my family, it has been just like an active member which makes my life easier by sharing the load.
I pledge to #ShareTheLoad in household chores in association with Ariel and BlogAdda. You too can join hands with me !!


  1. we should teach our boys and girls to share a load from very beginning. nicely written and great initiative by Ariel

  2. You are doing a great job. Even I always thought of teaching my boy , all duty or work that society made it meant for girl

  3. This is such a great initiative by Ariel, it's important to teach our kids to share the load.

  4. Live the concept of gender neutral parenting. It's a wonderful initiative and all of us should definitely share the load

  5. It's a great initiative by Ariel. It's important to teach our kids the load. Good job by Ariel

  6. You are doing the right thing dear. Teaching boys to #Sharetheload in the world where gender equality is now prevalent.

  7. I must say, I'm thoroughly impressed with Ariel's campaign to promote gender equality. We must start the movement at home.
    Noor Anand Chawla

  8. Absolutely the right approach, when girls are taught that they are no lesser than the boys, the boys should be taught to share the load of the women too.

  9. Good to know that someone is taking initiative. We all need to teach boys about the Share the load.

  10. This is a great initiative. We should teach our kids how to react and help others.

  11. Very nice and very much needed. I am also raissing a boy and telling him how to do laundry

  12. That is amazing! We need more parents like you, who encourage and let their sons #sharetheload! Great job! ❤

  13. It is important to teach boys daily household chores and like you said #sharetheload. What an inspiring post!


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