Festival Fun With Navratri..!!

Good Morning Everyone,   
Hope yesterday's Sunday was a Funday for you all. I was very occupied the whole day as it's festival    time. Here in India we have Navaratri and Durga Pooja which is celebrated with  great zeal. For youngsters, Navratri is a time of dance and merriment, through playing  dandiya with friends and loved ones. It is said that at the end of the nine nights, young   people end up finding the perfect life partner. For older people, Navratri is a time to show their devotion through prayer and fasting. I don't fall into either of these categories, because I can neither dance not fast !! But I still love the festival. 
When I was a kid I had been to Kolkata specially for Durga Pooja because I had heard that in Kolkata alone more than two-thousand pandals are set up, all clamoring for the admiration and praise of the populace. 


The city is adorned with lights. People from all over the country visit the city at this time, and every night is one mad carnival where thousands of people go ‘pandal-hopping’ with their friends and  family. Traffic becomes a nightmare, and indeed, most people abandon  their vehicles to travel by foot after a point. A special task force is deployed to control law and order.      
I even like the entire celebration of Navratri when people play garba. I loved dancing and playing with my friends and I remember that Navratri always used to start when my exams used to start in schools and colleges, so I used to finish up all my studies before i would go out with my friends to celebrate this festival.

I usually go to see people play dandiya as I am not to well versed with how to play it but I really enjoy watching it too. My feet automatically start moving while listening to the  catchy numbers that they play during garba. I am even very fascinated with the way  people dress up for garba in their chaniya cholis which look so elegant and beautiful on girls.And guys in their shoti kurta or the special garba outfit. It all looks so awesome.



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In Delhi also there are many places that I visit because everywhere the decorations are different and they all look so beautiful.
I like the celebrations, food and melas this festival brings on for 9 days. Places decorated  with serial lights,huge pandals put up and daily pooja done, it’s all fun. Apart from the fact that it’s very colourful, it also makes me happy every time I listen to the music that plays on Navratri nights. I enjoy every bit of it.
If you too wish to witness the beauty of the festival, do plan a trip to India during these days. You'll find the best celebrations happening in Kolkata or Gujarat. And yes, Diwali is soon approaching so you still have time to witness another amazing festival as a package deal.
Happy fasting and feasting !!



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