Indus Valley Hair Ultima Spa : Quick Review

It's about to be 2 months now when I got my keratin treatment done. I was thinking of another repeat session as the effect does not last very long. Somehow it was just getting delayed due to my hectic schedule. 🤦‍♀️
@indusvalley_brand Ultima Hair Spa arrived at my doorstep just 15 days back and I thought of giving it a try since it has a special mention of Keratin in it.
I apply it as a conditioner after washing my hair. I keep it for 20-25 minutes and then rinse it off. Here is how it has benefited me over 2 weeks now :
• Fights dandruff
• Scalp conditioning
• Fights hair loss
• Strengthens hair follicles
• Nourishes roots
• Repairs damaged hair
It is a cream based hair spa with light normal herbal aroma which nourishes the scalp & enhances hair growth. It also provides bounce & conditioning  to the hair. .
This contains goodness of collagen, wheat protein & casein protein which helps in detangling fizzy hair. It's natural herbs help in controlling hairfall and repairs damaged hair.
It can be applied on chemically treated hair by both males and females. So, if you got your Rebonding/Smoothening /Keratin/Fashion Colour done; you can safely use this and maintain the treatment for a longer duration. Its free from parabens, ethyl alcohol & other harmful chemicals too.
Overall, I would rate it 4.5/5💕. I wish the quantity was a bit more. Nevertheless, I am definetly going to buy another jar of it.💆‍♀️
#hairspa #hairspaathome
#fizzyhair #fizzyhairdontcare
#treatedhaircare #treatedhair
#haircaresolutions #bbeautybloggers
#parabenfreehaircare #parabenfreehairproducts #keratinhairspa #lifestyleblogger💖


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