Let Kids Learn by Doing : Gift Them a Flinto Box...!!

Board games never attracted my son. He is a curious child and wants to do something exciting all the time. It becomes really difficult to keep him engaged and find such activities which can keep him interested for a longer duration.
@flintobox is an amazing activity kit which came along my way & left me amazed. My son initially thought it to just another board game. But when he opened the box; he found 4 packets of different activities & a story book.

Each activity is designed with a thought of enriching & stimulating young minds and aiding overall brain development.

Children need unstructured play and experiential learning to develop their full potential. It helps them to find different ways and alternative scenarios to solve challenges & enables children to “learn by doing”. Such activities leave behind learning memories which they can later relate in their day to day life.

Flinto box is one of those wonderful attempts which every parent must make towards the brain development of their child. They have got something for every child right from 2-3 years, 3-4 years, 4-6 years , 6-8 years and 8-12 years.

I have decided to take up a 6 month subscription for my son. You too can order for 3/6/12 months subscriptions for your child & avail huge discounts !!!
Check out : https://flintobox.com/
#flintobox #educationalkit #playandlearn #experientiallearning #funwhilelearning🍎📓✏️ #activitykit #learnbydoing #hyperactivekids #childdevelopment


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