XploraBox : A Fun Way To Make Kids Learn !!

Just one more week & my little dynamite is going to turn 7 years old🎉🎉. @xplorabox came in my mailbox right on time as a pre-birthday gift for my son🎁.

He was super excited & spend around 3 hrs along with his dad exploring the box. Kids at this age generally don't sit at one place so long. So for me, Xplorabox made one of the most impossible task happen with ease. Another positive aspect was that he wasn't sitting in front of a screen /gadget & this little box kept him engaged.

The box was of the right age group for him & had multiple activities. The activites are designed such that they help in developing skills like motor, cognitive, play & social skills for the kid. Every few minutes he was coming up with new questions which was an indication of his curiosity to know more.

⚘He learned about Solar System, planets & played a fun game with magnet around it.

⚘He created his own telespcope which introduced him to a new concept of concave & convex lens ( though he just knows how to distinguish between the two looking at their shapes )

⚘General Knowledge questions based on solar system made him aware of facts around it.

⚘Spin the wheel was a fun game.

⚘The story book was a delight. He read it out loudly to both me & his dad.
The box brought him giggles, excitement, surprises & a little bit of grins too when his dad would win the game 😂😂.
Its a fun way of making your kids learn and develop their skills. The box is available for the ages 2-4 years, 4-6 years, 6-8 years & 8+.
The boxes are prized little above 1000, but you get great discounts if you opt for 3 month or 6 month or 12 month package subscription.
🌺Orders can be placed online through their website www.xplorabox.com

#xplorabox #educationalkits #educationaltoys #littleexplorers #nogadgetforkids #noscreentime #developskills #learnandfun #playwhilelearning #funwhilelearning #kidstime


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