Reduce your calorie intake with Sugarlite !!

One big orange without seeds, (3/4)th inch ginger, 300 ml water & half a teaspoon of 'SUGARLITE'..
I blend them together & my daily detox drink is ready.
Sugarlite provides the taste & sweetness of sugar but with half the calories as it is made from the blend of sugar & stevia.
I have replaced my regular sugar with Sugarlite & I add it in hot & cold beverages like tea, coffee, milk,  smoothies & desserts.
It saves me from intake of 7500 calories per month as it has 50% Less Calories. Just 1 spoon of Sugarlite is equal to 2 spoons of normal sugar in sweetness.
✔It's 100% Natural
✔Advisable for weight management benefits, general wellness & healthy heart
✔Can be consumed by kids and grown ups
So, my dear friends, stay fit & eat right. Check your sugar instake & switch to Sugarlite !!
#AadheMeinZyaada #sugarlite #lowcaloriesugar #caloriecounting #lesscalories #countyourcalories #reducesugarintake @sugarliteindia #dresstoslayy #14smokejan #sunzlikezz #jan14party #sanskranti14 #sankranti1401


  1. I don't use sugar substitutes and use very less sugar in my food. Will be checking this product

  2. This sounds like a good alternative for fitness freaks, will check this product.

  3. I have also got it ,its a nice way to stay healthy and fit while eating your favourite stuff.

  4. I also use sugarlite for being healthy and light

  5. Perfectly awesome and healthier option. Sugarlite is really trustable product.i have tried it too.

  6. Sugarlite is really a great option for healthier lifestyle as health is wealth..

  7. Such a great way of indulging in your favourite foods while maintaining a healthy approach.

  8. Wow what a healthy start of the day with fresh juice that too low in calorie.

    MeenalSonal from AuraOfThoughts

  9. Sugarlitw is indeed one of the best substitutes of sugar, i am also using it and loving it


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