Ask IRA ! : A Step Towards Making India HIV Free

Did you know there are 2.01 million people still in India who live with HIV, or that there are about 80,000 people who get infected every year? Not to mention the overall stigma & prejudice associated with the condition which marginalizes the infected and the lack of information that perpetuates all of these. Bad news, indeed. 
Good news, however, is that HIV is preventable, manageable and a lot of it is just to do with providing people the right information with sensitivity and tact at the right time!

Introducing IRA :  

IRA is a conversational platform where people can seek answers to their pressing HIV/AIDS queries. She was created to help people gain information about HIV and motivate people to manage HIV responsibly. She is friendly and chatty and wants the world to be free of HIV. 
IRA will be available on the yes4me website. Anyone with an internet connection can access IRA which makes her a powerful ally in the fight against HIV. Because of the stigma surrounding HIV, people can visit IRA from the security of their own home and seek answers to urgent questions without facing any of the discrimination that they would face anywhere else. 

With IRA by their side, millions of Indians will be able to find the right information at the right time and thus solve the root cause that perpetuates HIV. 
Let’s join hands to make India HIV/AIDS free. You can reach IRA for all your questions from the link below.

We would love to hear back from you as your feedback makes IRA better!

#hivfreeindia #hiv #aids #rethinkhiv #speakouthiv #EndAIDS


  1. IRA is such a noble idea. It surely is going to be of lot of help to many.

  2. This is such a nice initiative. HIV is still not discussed openly!

  3. This is amazing article n good cause too, lets share more

  4. I am so happy now people can get information about him at home. This topic is still not discussed openly in india.

  5. What a noble cause !IRA is indeed a great initiative creating awareness among millions of people .

  6. Definitely an amazing article and such cause should be given voice too, to save india from hiv,

  7. That's a great initiative thanks for spreading the awareness and making people more educate on this topic.

  8. An amazing article and really great initiative. This chatbot will surely help in spreading HIV awareness

  9. what a great initiative to help people and making aware of deadly disease HIV

  10. That's a great initiative taken for .very good social cause. Keep up the great work going !

  11. IRA looks like a great bot to help people solve their queries and also to create awarenesses.

  12. IRA is such a welcome initiative. More and more awareness needs to be raised about AIDS and HIV so that social prejudices are removed.

  13. Manisha
    Awareness is the key when it comes to HIV/AIDS. I am glad that such a chatbot has come which will make informationa available at the convenience of home and our fingertips. 👍

  14. India needed IRA. Hope now people will become aware & spread the awareness.
    I will too use IRA app & help in spreading the message.

  15. People tend to shy away from talking about HIV due to the stigma attached with it! IRA is definitely going to help a lot of people!

  16. It's really amazing initiative. Lots of people will get benefit from here. Sometimes many questions come to our mind but we don't understand where to ask, how to ask...So it's a real help for all.

  17. Indeed an great initiative to spread awareness towards HIV. A chatbot is indeed a great help.


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