NutriiBowl Multi Millet Almond Cookies : Quick Review

I get hunger pangs quite often. But I deal with them in a healthy way. I prefer having @nutriibowl Multi-Millet Cookies rather than those normal Maida based biscuits.
These are homemade, healthy, tasty, fibre rich cookies made from Millet & Almonds. They are rich in healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium & Vitamin E.
✔No added Preservatives
✔No added Sugar
✔100% Natural
✔No Additives
✔Healthy Snacks
✔Complete Organic Food
✔No Baking Powder
My kid loves to have them with milk. They help in weight control so I can have it without giving a second thought. My mommy who is in her 60s also haves these as it lowers blood sugar levels, reduces blood pressure & lowers cholesterol levels.
Shelf Life & Storage 👉
1 Month from Manufacturing. It can be store into an airtight container for more than 2 weeks
#healthysnack #healthysnackoption #almondcookies #homemadecookies #healthycookies #teatimesnacks #teatime #hungerpangs #fighthunger #Feb1savepost #Jabralikes #indialikz9 #thehugyhu #1febry19 #1febnewstrt #febb1st


  1. These cookies seems healthy and tasty. Wl like to try them for my family too

  2. Wow these look so healthy. I would buy it for munching instead of regular cookies.

  3. Wow, i would definitely love to try this healthy cookies as anyway imI always craving for some or other thing to eat :) this would be a great option

  4. Thats healthy option for health freak like me i really wanr to try it

  5. Miller's and almond seem to be a very interesting and healthy cookie. Do share the nutritional details

  6. Amazing and insightful post. These cookies are nutritional and healthy for the kids. Mommies definitely try it once. Great thoughts.

  7. These Millet cookies are definitely a healthy way to indulge the snacking habit. Millet is a super food with tremendous nutritional value.

  8. Wow, these sounds so yummy but healthy. I love almonds. I'm definitely gonna get this soon.

  9. Natural, preservatives and sugar free cookies are the best! These look delicious as well as healthy!

  10. These Millet cookies are really a healthy way to indulge the snacking habit. I would love to try them soon.

  11. These cookies seems really healthy and a good replacement of biscuits.. These is no sugar and preservative which really great.

  12. These cookies seems delicious and healthy ofcourse.. would love to give it a try.

  13. I am quite a foodie so this is a must try for me. Cookies are my go-to meal hence will try for sure.

  14. I can resonate with what you are saying - i too get these hunger pangs and then usually i want something immidietly to eat and then having a healthy snack option in easy reach is such a smart and healthy thing to do!


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