Philosophy Of Moderation : Junk Food

"Speak Any Language Instantly! 3-Minute Method! Totally Free!" Today morning when I woke up, my son told me that he wants to take some junk food to school as Dussera breaks will be starting and he wants to celebrate it with his school friends and party around with some junk food. So, I gave him some homemade cookies and cupcakes. I did not say "No" to him. Forbidden fruit is indeed sweeter. So when children ask for snacks or junk food, it is better to give them a little (in moderate quantity) than to deny them altogether. Saying “no” straightaway to sweet treats or unhealthy snacks will only make children desire them more. Give them a choice when they ask for it – ask them if they would like to have it now or later. If they insist on it there and then, tell them that the next round will have to be the next day or the day after, depending on whatever rules you have set for them. I've always liked the concept of the "80/...